Over the past several weeks, I have been participating in an online blog coaching group called Vivid & Brave.  To say this has been a walk in the park would be an outright lie. It has honestly been one of the hardest things I have ever willingly put myself through in my life. Years of therapy have nothing on what the past few weeks have revealed about myself. This intimate group of women have challenged me to look deeper into who I am and the woman I want to be.

Monday through Friday we are given daily prompts to get us journaling. We are also given weekly homework assignments. Each Thursday we meet together (Google Chat style of course, as we are spread out all over the United States) to discuss the prompts and reveal the things we are comfortable sharing. This week’s homework was to make a self declaration on social media. Let me just pause here so I can share with you the amount of fear that pulsed through my body at that moment. Sweaty palms, racing heartbeat, my breakfast about to reappear without any help from me.

It is easy to listen to all the negative. To believe the lies you convince yourself of over the years. But to declare a positive characteristic about yourself, well that is not an easy task for many. I can take criticism a lot easier than I can take a compliment. So please read the following with an open heart and “Grace” colored glasses. I am about to become very vulnerable….

I am…Grace

I am grace, because I have learned how to forgive myself.

I am grace, because I understand the need for acceptance.

I am grace, not because I am perfect, but because I know how hard it is to try to be.

I am grace, because we all deserve second chances.

I am grace, because I am learning to live with my arms wide open, beautifully broken and unapologetically real.

Debbie Leanne, Debbie Leanne Photography, Photographer, Oahu, Hawaii, Family, Women, Newborn, Birth, Mother, Wife,


12 Responses

  1. Debbie, I am in tears just reading this. So true – and so beautiful. “I am grace, because I am learning to live with my arms wide open, beautifully broken and unapologetically real.” – Hit home for me, hard.

    I am so grateful to be on this journey with you. XOXO

  2. You are more than GRACE! You are an amazing woman who can capture the beauty in other through the lens of a camera. Thank you so much for making me personally feel beautiful. You have a gift that gives to others.

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