That’s what Friends are for | Ewa Beach Photographer

Sometimes, life gives you lemons. And sometimes, when you are really lucky, life gives you best friends. This group of best friends get together almost every single day, and have for over 4 years. They swim together, they run together, and they do life together. They celebrate and they mourn together. It truly is something […]

Family session – Ewa Beach | Oahu Family Photographer

I don’t know what it is about when the husband calls to schedule a photographic experience for their family. Let’s be honest, most of the time, men are dragged along to photo sessions with their families. It is very rarely ever their idea. In fact, it is often the very last thing they actually want […]

You never know the value of a moment

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. ~ Dr. Suess This post is a little different than usual. This one is personal. And still very raw. Often times there are no words to describe the loss of a loved one. The person you couldn’t imagine doing life […]

The Beauty in Chaos

The beauty is in the chaos of every day life…especially when you have 4 daughters. Each child has their own unique personality and just when you figure them out, they start to change. It definitely keeps you on your toes as a parent. Speaking with Emily and Piper, the thing that struck me the most […]