1. done on purpose; deliberate.

I am declaring 2014 will be my year of Intention. I am putting it out there for you all to hold me accountable! Last year, during our Vivid & Brave sessions, we were asked to come up with 2 words. One for 2013 and one for 2014. My word for last year came relatively quickly. “Healthy”. Healthy lifestyle. Healthy relationships. Healthy business. But the second word took some time. In choosing these words, it almost gives you permission to live it out. To be the word. After several days, of stewing over what I wanted my word for to be, it kind of just hit me upside the head. Intentional. I honestly don’t even know where it came from. It just popped into my brain. But it was perfect.

IntentionalIt was perfect because it scared the crap out of me. I have never been intentional before. I have never lived intentionally. I have always just left it up to divine intervention. If it was suppose to happen, it would happen. It never really bothered me either, until I had made the decision to claim the word for 2014. It made me stop and think about all the decisions I had made up until now. How I just kind of let life happen around me. I almost prided myself on living unintentionally without even realizing it. Living in the moment. Living on a whim. If God wanted me to, then it would happen.

Now, it kind of made me mad. I cannot even imagine all of the things I have missed out on because I sat idly by and let life happen without my input.
“You get 100% of what you don’t ask for.”

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

All of a sudden this hit home to me really hard. No, I am not an aggressive go getter. I am not up before dawn and working before everyone else in the house is awake. I usually sit back and wait for opportunities to come to me. Wait for clients to find me. Wait for moments to just happen. Well, this year will be different. This year I will ask more. I will take those leaps of faith. I will work deliberately instead of just being lucky. Will I get 100% of what I ask for? No. And that’s fine. But I may get 50%. Will everything work out perfectly? Probably not. But one thing I know for sure, I will be a lot more satisfied knowing that I tried my best, instead of waiting for shit to happen.

As I step forward into 2014, I go forth with words a true friend sent me….